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2015年07月01日    来源: 网络   字体:   打印

If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or failure in your work would depend, (1)a great extent,(2)your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best(3). Of the(4)importance is your attitude. A person who begins a job(5)that he isn't going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is(6)a weakness which can only hold back his success.(7), a person who is secure of his belief(8)he is probably as(9)of doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful(10)at it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The(11)are that he will do well.

Having the prerequisite(首要必备的)skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A book-keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw(12)hopeless cases.

This book has been designed to help you(13)the strength and overcome the weakness that you bring to the job of learning. But in order to measure your development, you must first take(14)of where you stand now.(15)we get further along in the book,we'll be dealing in some detail with(16)processes for developing and(17)learning skills.(18), you should stop(19)your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are(20)to your success or failure in school: your attitude, your reading and communication skills, and your study habits.

1. A.on B.for C.of D.to

Best Answer: D


2. A.in B.at C.on D.for

Best Answer: C

详解:C)。考查固定搭配。depend on“依靠,依赖”,此处depend与on被插入语to a great extent分开了,要注意识别。

3. A.advantage B.convenience C.benefit D.interest

Best Answer: A

详解:A)。考查固定搭配。to advantage“有利地,使优点突出地”。其余各选项虽带有“好处、方便”的意思,但均不能与介词to搭配。

4. A.ultimate B.remote C.utmost D.eventual

Best Answer: C

详解:C)。考查形容词语义及搭配。选项A)ultimate极端的;更终的,如:ultimate goal更终目标。选项B) remote意为“遥远的

5. A.convinced B.convincing C.being convinced D. having been convinced

Best Answer: A

详解:A)。考查分词。根据上下文,此处应选A) convinced,用作伴随状语。convince使确信,使信服,用法为be convinced of/that.

6. A.exposing B.concealing C.detecting D.exhibiting

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。同义动词语义辨析。选项A)exposing暴露,显露,(to)使处于……作用(或影响)之下;选项B) concealing隐藏,掩盖,隐瞒;选项C) detecting侦察,探测;选项D) exhibiting意为“(正式)显示(感情、品质等);展览”,如:exhibit signs of fear/guilt显出害怕/内疚的样子。根据上下文,选项D)应为正确答案。意思是“一个一开始工作就确信不会喜欢所干工作的人或确信自己会失败的人,其实是在显示一种只会阻挡其成功的弱点”。

7. A. On the other hand B.On the whole C. All in all D. In brief

Best Answer: A

详解:A)。考查过渡词。前文谈了对工作抱消极态度的人,此处开始谈以一种积极态度对待工作的人,故选项A) on the other hand应是正确答案。其余选项的意思是:选项B) on the whole总的来说,大体上。选项C) all in all从各方面说,总的说来;选项D) in brief简言之。

8. A.which B.what C.that D.where

Best Answer: C


9. A.able B.capable C.competent D.equal

Best Answer: B

详解:B)。形容词固定搭配。只有capable与of搭配,表示“有能力的”。其余几个表示能力的词的搭配是:选项A)常用于be able to do结构中;选项C) competent常用于be competent to do sth.;选项D) equal常用于be equal to doing sth.能胜任做某事。

10. A.venture B.application C.attack D.attempt

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。考查名词语义。四选项的意思是:选项A) venture冒险,投机,风险;选项B) application请求,申请,应用;选项C) attack意为“攻击,进攻;(疾病等)突然发作”;选项D) attempt努力,尝试,企图。结合上下文,选项D)应为正确答案。make an attempt at对……进行尝试。

11. A.chances B.prospects C.opportunities D.occasions

Best Answer: A

详解:A)。考查固定搭配。(the) chances are (that)=it is likely that(非正式)很可能,再比如:Chances are that she has already heard the news.很可能她已经听到那消息了。其余均无此用法。

12. A.being B.been C.are D.is

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。考查主谓一致。由not only…but (also),neither…nor, either…or, or等连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语要符合就近一致的原则,要与邻近的主语相一致。此处邻近的主语是a carpenter,故谓语动词用单数。

13. A.make the best of B.get the best of C.have the better of D.get the better of

Best Answer: A

详解:A)。易混短语语义辨析。选项A) make the best of充分利用;选项B) get the best of战胜,打赢;选项C) have the better of同选项D) get the better of,表示“在……中占上风”。故从上下文推出正确答案应为选项A)。该句的意思是“写这本书的目的是要帮助你充分利用自己的优点,克服你学习中的缺点”。

14. A.stake B.stick C.stock D.stroke

Best Answer: C

详解:C)。考查固定搭配。take stock of对……估价,判断,故选项C)应为正确答案。

15. A.Where B.As C.Unless D.Until

Best Answer: B


16. A.specialized B.special C.specified D.specific

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。考查易混词辨析。四选项均为形容词。选项A) specialized专攻的,专门研究的;选项B) special特别的,特殊的;选项C) specified具体指定的,详细说明的;选项D) specific明确的,具体的。此处应选选项D),意思是“我们将详细地介绍培养和强化学习能力的具体过程”。

17. A.investigating B.justifying C.complicating D.strengthening

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。考查动词语义辨析。四个选项的意思是:选项A) investigating调查,研究;选项B) justifying证明……正当(或有理),为……辩护;选项C) complicating把事情弄复杂;选项D) strengthen加强,巩固。由此推知选项D)正确。

18. A.For beginning with it B.For it to begin with C. With beginning it D.To begin with

Best Answer: D

详解:D)。考查固定搭配。to begin with为过渡词,意思是“首先,第一”。

19. A.examining B.to examine C.being examined D.having examined

Best Answer: B

详解:B)。考查动词用法。此处正确选项B) stop to examine,表示“停下来检查”。

20. A.sufficient B.peculiar C.critical D.equivalent

Best Answer: C

详解:C)。考查形容词语义辨析。这几个词均可和介词to搭配。选项A)中be sufficient to表示“对……充分的,足够的”;选项B)中 be peculiar to表示“是……特有的”;选项C)中be critical to表示“对……至关重要的”;选项D)中be equivalent to表示“与……相等的,与……相当的”。根据上下文,可判断出正确答案应是选项C)。意思是“这三个方面对学习的成功与否起着关键的作用”。
