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2007年07月24日    来源:   字体:   打印

  1.who have been married only a short time and whose careers are still in the promising stage.俩人结婚不久,在事业上大有希望,但仍然处于发展阶段。

  be in the promising stage处于发展阶段,处于有前景的阶段 Socialism is still in the promising stage.社会主义仍然处于迅速发展的阶段。

  2.There is abundant luxury in the room but a minimum of taste.——(The room is richly furnished but shows little taste.)


  1)abundant luxury相当豪华,abundant丰富的,大量的

  2)but a minimum of taste但品味很不高雅,but表示转折,minimum of taste缺少品味

  3.He presses the buzzer on the house phone and speaks to the cook.他按了按家庭部电话的蜂音器对厨师说话。

  Presses,speaks to剧本中的台词是剧本的主体,剧情的发展、人物的展现、剧本的主题思想全通过台词体现是。舞台说明用现在时态(一般现在时和现在进行时)。

  4.I hardly slept a wink all night……——(I hardly had any sleep at all last night./I slept very little last night.)

  not sleep a wink or not get/have a wink of sleep;not to sleep at all

  Our next-door neighbours were so noisy last night that we didn't get a wink of sleep.


  5.There is nothing to do but face the fact that we're not invited.——(The only thing we can do now is to accept the harsh reality-that we are not invited.)

  1)there is/was nothing to do but do sth.,there is/was nothing for it but to do sth.:除了……没有别的办法

  Their car broke down in the wilderness.There was nothing to do but wait for help to arrive.


  There is nothing to do but pay up immediately.


  2)face the fact that:to accept that a difficult situation exists,although it is unpleasant

  You must face the fact that you have to support yourself from now on.


  6.Oh,there's got to be a way.There's got to be.

  there's got to be a way:We must find a way to explain our absence.

  has got to:has to

  7.…there is on reason to feel slighted.We're both pretty new in pictures.It's not as though )we were oldtimers who had worked with Scotty.——(……we don't have to feel upset that they ignore/snub us.After all,our Hollywood career is just beginning.)我们不必感到不安,毕竟在电影界我们俩人都还是新手,对我们不可能像对和斯格蒂一起共过事的老手那样。(这里兰蒂?布鲁克斯劝妻子卡罗?梅森想开点,没有邀请他们也有一定的道理,不能指望人们对他们像对好莱坞资深演员那样。)

  1)slight:to treat rudely or without proper respect;to insult冷落

  She feels slighted because no one spoke to her at the party.


  2)it's (not) as though / if:情况就好像(或不可能像)……一样,又如:

  It's as if I were a guest while they hosts.


  The manager is very disappointed with their performance.It's not as if they were new hands.

  经理对他们的表现很不满意,他们又不是新手。(如是新手尚 可原谅。)

  8.We've been through all(链接) this before.这些事我们已讨论过了!

  We have discussed/talked about all this before;

  We've tried to find out why some of our friends have been invited.

  9.And I may never have worked with Scotty,but I did meet him once,and he danced with me at a party.



  He may be very tall,but not necessarily a good basketball player.他个子很高,但未必是一个好的篮球选手。

  He may be a good teacher,but not necessarily a good headmaster.他是一个好老师,但未必就是一个好校长。

  I may have never been without a job,but I do understand how laid-off workers feel.


  Cooking may be boring,but it can be a delightful thing to do at times.


  Some students may think the training a waste of time,but later they'll find it very useful.



  10.He was very nice to me,too,and said some very complimentary things.他对我很客气,还说了些赞扬我的话。

  1)be very nice to对……很客气

  2)complimentary things赞扬的话
