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2007年07月23日    来源:   字体:   打印

  29.…a card on which was written,“Monsieur Gustave Naudin for M.le BaronHausberg.” 写有“霍斯勃格男爵先生之代表古斯塔夫?诺丁先生”的一张名片。

  on which…… 为定语从句,修饰card.We are in a real jam.我们的麻烦大了。

  for sb.:on behalf of sb.作为……的代表

  eg: Let me say a few words for my school. 


  M是 Monsieur的缩写,le是法语的一个冠词,相当于英语的the.

  30.“I suppose he has come for an apology,”…… “I think the man has come because the Baron wanted me to apologize formy foolish behavior yesterday (giving him one pound),”……


  eg:He went to London for holidays. 


  31.slight French accent

  accent:the way someone pronounces the words of a language,or his intonation showing which country or which part of a country he comes from乡音,口音

  Cf.dialect:a variety of a language spoken only in one area,in which words or one area,in which words or one area,in which words or grammar are slightly different from other forms of the same language方言

  32.Have I the honour ofspeaking to Monsieur Erskine?您是厄斯金先生吗?

  have the honour of doing sth.:(正式)荣幸……

  eg:I am very happy to have the honour of speaking to you today.  


  eg:At the conference,I had the honour of meeting a number of writers I admire.


  eg:I have the honour of being invited to take part in the party.  


  33.“The Baron,” said the old gentleman with a smile,has commissioned me to bringyou this letter…… 委托我把这封信交给您。(这是很正式的说法)

  commission sb.to do sth.:to formally ask someone to do sth.正式委托某人做

  34.On the outside was written “A wedding present to Hugh Erskine and Laura Merton,from an old beggar,” and inside was a cheque for ten thousand pounds.信封上写着:“休?厄斯金与劳拉?默顿新婚志喜。一老乞丐贺”,信封内是一张1万英镑的支票。

  On the outside was written,inside was a两个并列句均为倒装句。


  35.…… Alan Trevor was thebest man……

  best man:a male friend or relative of a bridegroom who assists him at his wedding男傧相


  36.“Millionaire models”remarked Alan,“are rare enough;but model millionaires are rarer still!”— “There is hardly a millionaire who wants to be painted as a beggar;it is even more difficult to find a millionaire who knows how to use his money wisely.”said Alan.“百万富翁的模特实已罕见,”艾伦说,“不过模范百万富翁更是凤毛麟角了!”

  此处model一词是双关语:artist's model (画家的模特)和perfect example(模范)。

  are:unusual,not common稀罕的,稀有的,不常见的

  Pandas are rare animals in the world.熊猫是世界上的稀有动物。

  这更后一句话,作者又借画家之口,用一双关词(兼有“模特”与“模范”、“楷模”的意思 ),巧妙发点出了故事的主题思想。百富翁要画家将其画成可怜兮兮的乞丐,竟意想不到发引起一个青年的同情与施舍,青年人的滴水之恩,引来了“老乞丐”的厚报,其人其事令人耳目一新;善良青年自己的生活捉襟见肘,却将更后一个英镑毫不犹疑地给了一个素不相识的乞丐,此举值得称道。什么叫富?家产万贯,却一毛不拔,非富;拥有良田万顷,却为富不仁,更非富有;无论你的财产是多,还是少,只要乐于给予,才是真正富有。


