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2007年07月23日    来源:   字体:   打印

  L9 Only Three More Days

  1.My Berlin diary for December was limited tofour words.我12月2日 柏林日记只有四个词。

  be limited to:仅限于,限制在……范围之内,又如:

  eg:His stay in the city is limited to 4 days a month.他每个月在这座城市只可停留4天。

  eg:Their reading is limited to computer science and telecommunications.


  2.The Foreign Office still holding up my passport and exit visa which worries meDid my last broadcast from Berlin tonight.外交部仍然压着我的护照和出境签证,真叫人担心。今晚在柏林进行了更后 一次广播。 注意日记体的特点。写日记的目的一般是记录下对自己来说比较重要的事件,只要自己能看明白就 行,所以往往用省略句。第一句省略了谓语动词一部分is,第二句主语I省略。日记中的I经常省略,又如第四段 中的Got my passport and official permission to leave tomorrow.有时主语和动词全省略,如 (I had)Nothing to do but pack.

  hold up:使延误,阻止,

  eg:The storm held up our flight for 40 minutes.那场暴风雨使我们的航班延误了40分钟。

  eg:They had been held up on the road by an accident so they were late.


  eg:I do hope my application for leave won't be held up too long.


  which worries me是定语从句,关系代词 which代表整个主句的意思

  eg:He said he was busy,which was true.他说他很忙,这倒是真的。

  eg:James Watt watched a steaming kettle for quite a while,which rather annoyedhis aunt.


  2.“……Nothing to do now but pack.”—— ……The only thing that remains to be done is packing.省略(I had) Nothing to do but pack.

  Nothing (to do) but 除了…什么也不能做,只能

  eg:He could do nothing but wait.他只能等。

  eg:he boy did nothing at home but watch TV.这孩子在家里除了看电视什么也不做

  pack(up):to put things into cases,boxes,etc.for taking somewhere or for storing.装,打行李,准备行装

  eg:I forgot to pack my toothpaste.我忘把牙膏装在行李里。

  eg:We're off to Greece tomorrow and I haven't even started packing yet.

  明天我们就要去希腊了,可是现在我还没有开始收拾东西呢。 Unpack打开(包裹,行李,箱子)

  4.For weeks I had thought over how to get my diaries safely out ofBerlin.几个星期以来我一直在考虑如何安全地把我的日记弄出柏林。

  had thought 过去完成时,表示一直在考虑

  think sth.over/ think over what,when,how,etc.:consider sth.carefully before reaching a decision


  eg:I hope you'll think the matter over.It's a big decision to take.


  eg:He lay in bed,thinking over what to do next. 


  eg:Whatever you do,you must think it over before doing it.  


  get(sth./ sb.)out of:move (sth./ sb.)out of把……弄出来

  eg:The fire brigade managed to get all the children out of the burning building.


  eg:We must get these rare animals out of the place before the flood.


  eg:The door wouldn't open,and five people couldn't get out of the lift.


  eg:The driver could not be got out of the car because of the damaged door.


  5.There was enough in them to get me hanged ——if Gestapo ever discovered them.—— They would kill me for what I had written about Nazi Germany in my diaries.是盖世太保发现了我的日记,那里面有足以把我送上绞刑架的内容。

  Gestapo:the secret police force used by the state in Germany during the Nazi period.

  the Gestapo:臭名昭著的纳粹德国时期的秘密警察,希特勒镇压、残害进步人士及犹太人的工具,罪恶昭彰。

  Get sth.done= have sth.done,to get me hanged,修饰enough.绞刑是纳粹德国时期实施死刑的重要方式。

  eg:We must get everything arranged before the meeting.  


  eg:Hang,hung,hung 挂,hang,hanged,hanged 上吊,绞刑
