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2007年07月23日    来源:   字体:   打印

  21. I tell you that there are moments when art almost reaches the importance of manual work.

  I tell you/I can tell you/ I'm telling you用来强调已经说的或后面要说的话

  eg:I will never do such a thing,I tell you.告诉你,我决不会做这样的事。

  eg:I can tell you,if you give up this opportunity,you will regret.你要是真放弃这次机会,你会后悔的。

  22. The old beggar-man took advantage of Trevor's absence to rest for a moment on a wooden seat that was behind him.

  take advantage of sth.:to make full use of sth.

  eg:I intend to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need.


  23. He looked so miserable that Hughie pitied him,and felt in his pockets to see what money he had.


  Feel( about/around)(for sb./ sth.)(用手、脚或棍子去)寻找/摸

  eg:He felt in his briefcase for a pen.他在公文包里找一枝笔。

  24. slipped the pound into the beggar's hand

  Slip:put sth. somewhere,esp. quickly,quietly or secretly

  eg:The strange man slipped a small note into my hand.那个陌生人悄悄地把一张小条塞进我的手里。

  25 The old man startled and a faint smile passed across his lips.

  startle(up):jump up suddenly惊跳起来,使大吃一惊

  I was startled at his sudden knocking loudly at the door. 他的突然大声敲门吓了我一跳。

  26. He spent the day with Laura,was charmingly blamed for how to go shopping,when to giving away one pound,and bad to walk home.

  be blamed for 因……而受到责备

  eg:He was blamed by his parents for his failure in the entrance exams.


  give sth. away:to give sth. free of charge

  eg:He gave away all his mother's books away when she died.他母亲去世后他把她的书都送给别人了。

  27. What an amazing model!“whispered Hughie,as he shook hands with his friend.

  What (an/a)+n.感叹句,修饰名词

  28. Such beggars are not met with every day……

  meet with(偶尔)遇到,碰到;得到,遭受

  Such animals are rarely met with in the north.这种动物很难在北方看到。

  I sometimes meet him in the library.我偶尔在图书馆碰到他。

  These bad habits have met with strong condemning from the public.这些坏习惯遭到了公众的谴责。

  29.……I think the model should have a percentage

  have a percentage:have a share分成,有份

  30. I tell you that there are moments when art almost reaches the importance of manual work.

  there are moments when有时,有这样的时候

  31.It is better to have a permanent income than to be attractive

  permanent income,permanent 永久的,长期的

  32. Poor Hughie!Intellectually,……


  33. He had gone on the Stock Exchange for six months; but what was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?

  butterfly:someone who usually moves on quickly from one activity or person to another轻浮的人

  34.That did not answer……

  answer:to be a way of dealing or solving a problem解决问题的办法依

  35. At last he became nothing,a delightful,useless young man with a perfect face and no profession.

  更后他一事无成,落得没有职业,只有一张完美的脸蛋,成了一个可爱的窝囊废。(注意对照法的运用:a delightful与useless,a perfect face 与no profession形成对照。)


  36. To make matters worse,he was in love.

  be in love (with)谈恋爱,(与……)相爱

  eg:He is in love with a girl from countryside. 他与一个来自农村的女孩相爱了。
