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2007年01月30日    来源:   字体:   打印

  51.At the master's level the program is primarily _______ oriented, an extension of undergraduate study in America.

  A. research B. course C. vocation D. doctoral


  52. Mark Twain's masterwork was _______.

  A. The Sketch Book B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  C. Nature D. Leaves of Grass


  53 The biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States is ______.

  A. New Year's Day B. Independence Day C. Thanksgiving Day

  D. Christmas Day


  54.Hawaii is in the _____ Ocean.

  A. Atlantic B. Pacific C. Oceania D. Indian


  55.The slavery was legally abolished in 1865 by ________ Amendment to the Constitution.

  A. the fourteenth B. the fifteenth C. the thirteenth D. the sixteenth 答案:C

  56.The Constitution allows the President to give ______ and pardons in federal criminal cases.

  A. absolutions B. reprieves C. testimonies D. amnesties

  答案: B

  57.____-is American's most important agricultural area.

  A. The Midwest B. New England. C. The Great Plains D. The intermountain area.


  58.Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution formally ended _______.

  A. the immigration movement B. the Civil War

  C. the slave system D. the industrialization

  答案: C

  59.The Cuban Missile Crisis happended in f____

  A. 1960 B.1961 C.1962 D.1963.


  60._________ must first come from the House of Representatives.

  A. Appointments of high officials B. Revenue bills

  C. Military bills D. Banking bills


  61.Higher education in the United States began with the founding of _______ in 1636.

  A. Harvard College B. Yale C. MIT D. Princeton


  62.Jazz began in the early 20th century as a music of ________.

  A. black Americans B. Indians C. Asians D. Hispanics


  63.All Americans can enjoy a three-day weekend when they celebrate_____.

  A. Washingtong's Birthday B. Independence Day

  C. Memorial Day D. Veterans Day


  64.The continental United States lies in central North America with _____ Ocean to its east.

  A. Atlantic B. Pacific C. Oceania D. Indian


  65. The most important obstacle to Hispanic success in the labor market is their ______.

  A. race B. language C. poverty D. low education


  66.The American Civil war broke out in _______ and ended in _______.

  A. 1850/1863 B. 1846/1848 C. 1861/1863 D. 1861/1865


  67.During the Second World War, American objectives were the total destruction of ______ powers.

  A. the Axis B. Asian C. the Allied D. European


  68.The Watergate Scandal in 1973 made __________ resigned, the first president to do so in U.S. history.

  A. Truman B. Johnson C. Reagan D. Nixon


  69.The United States supplies almost _______of all the exports of grain in the world.

  A. one fourth B. one fifth D. a half E. two thirds


  70._______ is the nation's leading center of heavy industry in the United States.

  A. Northwest B. Midwest C. Southwest D. West


  71.The most function of the Congress is to ________ in America.

  A. pass laws B. appoint officials C. make investigations D. carry out executive orders


  72.About ________ American adults participate in an organized learning group each year.

  A. a half B. one in three C. one in four D. one in five


  73.Theodore Dreiser was the representative of __________.

  A. Knickerbockers B. Transcendentalists. C. Lost Generation D. Naturalists.


  74.For the four following high schools' ________ aims to prepare students for college.

  A. comprehensive B. academic C. vocational D. technical


  75.In America, the New Right did not opposed _______.

  A. abortion B. affirmative action C. tax rising D. education


  76._________ is the largest city of the Great Plains.

  A. Colorado B. Denver C. Cleveland D. Chicago


  77.Of the five Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the United States._____ is the only one entirely in the U.S. A. Lake Huron B. Lake Ontario C. Lake Michigan D. Lake Erie


  78 Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in _______.

  A. 1492 B. 1607 C.1733 D.1750


  79.The _______ War turned out to be America's longest war it ever fought.

  A. First World B. Second World C. Korean D. Vietnam


  80.From the mid-seventies onwards, the United States suffered from“______”, that is the occurrence of stagnation and inflation at the same time.

  A. stagflation B. crisis C. depression D. crash


  81.Except for some colleges sponsored by the Catholic Church, all colleges and universities in the United States are governed by a ________ composed primarily of lamen (non-professionals)。

  A. board of education B. school district C. board of trustees

  D. superintendent


  82.Veteran's Day originally celebrated the end of the _________.

  A. Civil War B. First World War C. Second World War D. Vietnam War


  83.The Two major tributaries of Mississippi are _______.

  A. the Ohio and the Colorado B. The Missouri and the Potomac

  C. the Missouri and the Ohio D. the Columbia and the St. Lawrence 答案:C

  84 In his inaugural speech, _______said that“ the only thing we have to fear is itself ”。

  A. Abraham Lincoln B. Theodore Roosevelt

  C. Woodrow Wilson D. Franklin Roosevelt


  85._________ are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States.

  A. Hispanics B. White ethnics C. Asian-Americans D. Indians


  86. The War of Independence started in ______ and ended in _______.

  A. 1773/1774 B. 1775/1776 C.1776/1783 D.1775/1783


  87.The United States did not join the Second World War directly until____ in December,1941.

  A. Great Depression B. Pearl Harbor incident

  C. the Japanese attack on china D. the German attack on Poland.


  88.Each state is entitled to _______ Senators.

  A. two B. three C. four D. five


  89.The Harlem Renaissance happened in the _______.

  A.1920s B. 1930s C. 1940s D. 1950s


  90.The first immigrants in American history came from _____ and ______.

  A. Ireland/France B. England/China C. Scotland/England D. England/ the Netherlands


  91 New Freedom was the program of ___________.

  A. Woodrow Wilson B. Theodore Roosevelt

  C. Franklin Roosevelt D. Henry Truman


  92.______ is responsible for the protection of American abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States.

  A. The Presidnet B. Congress

  C. The Secretary of States D. The Department of State.



  1 Who did U.S. decide to offer economic aid to according to the Marshall Plan?

  答:According to Marshall Plan, the U.S. decided to offer economic aid to Western Europe.

  2.What did the U.S. decide to do when faced with the Berlin blockade at last?

  答:To start a large airlift food, fuel and other supplies.

  3. Who was Martin Luther King. Jr?

  答:He was a national leader of the Civil Rights Movement.

  4. Who made an declaration of the US containment policy towards the

  Soviet Union on March 12. 1949?

  答:Harry Truman made an open declaration of the U.S containment policy towards the Soviet Union on March 12,1949.


  1 the Truman Doctrine

  答:In his speech to the congress in 1949 Truman said, “it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation be armed minorities or by outside pressures.” That is to say, the U.S. government would support any country which said it was fighting against communism. This is the Truman Doctrine.

  2.Watergate Scandal

  答:On June 17,1972, police at the Watergate apartment - office arrested 5 men who illegally broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee. These 5 men proved to be working for Richard Nixon's committee to Re-elect the President. Later in 1973, one of Nixon's aides, disclosed that Nixon had a taping system installed in

  the White House, and that conversations about Watergate had been recorded. Nixon had to surrender the tapes at last. On August 9, 1973, he resigned, the first president to do so in U.S. history. After Watergate, Americans' disillusion grew.

  3 The Marshall Plan

  答:In order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet expansion, the U.S. decided to offer Western European countries economic aid. This plan was announced by Secretary of State George Marshall on June 5,1947, so it was called the Marshall Plan. With the aid from the U.S. , the production of Western Europe recovered and began to show signs of development


