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2007年09月11日    来源:   字体:   打印


  1.link : n./ vt. 环节,联系

  I‘d like to have a few links removed from this necklace. 我想从这条项链上去掉几环。

  There is a clear link between poverty and malnutrition. 贫穷与营养不良之间有明显的联系。

  2.respectively : ad. 各自地,分别地

  派生词:respect vt./n. 尊敬,尊重;方面

  In the 200 metres, Lizzy and Sarah came first and third respectively. 在200 米赛跑中,利兹和莎拉分别获第一和第三名。

  注意区别:respectable a. 值得尊敬的;respectful a. 恭敬的,尊敬的

  3. differ : vi .不同,相异

  派生词:different a. 不同的,相异的;difference n. 区别,差别,相异

  The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament. 这对双胞胎看起来很像,但脾气不同。Robots differ from automatic machines in that after completion of one specific task, they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.


  4. identity: n. 同一,一致;身份

  派生词:identify v. 识别,鉴别;identical a. 相同的,同一的

  The man‘s identity was being kept secret while he was helping the police with information about the murder. 这个人在向警察提供有关此谋杀案的信息时身份是保密的。

  5. influence on : 对 …的影响

  Parents have great influence on their children. 父母对孩子有极大的影响。


  Text B To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

  So you awoke this morning in a miserable mood. Well, maybe your special dream character didn‘t put in an appearance last night, or maybe there just weren’t enough people drifting through your dreams.⑴

  1.Well, maybe your special dream character didn‘t put in an appearance last night, or maybe there just weren’t enough people drifting through your dreams. ( para.1)

  to put in an appearance (出于责任或礼貌,暂时地)到场,出席,露面

  drifting through your dreams. 现在分词短语作定语,修饰people


  If that sounds like far-fetched fantasy, consider these interesting findings that have emerged from eight years of sleep and dream research at the Veterans Administration hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio:

  While sleep affects how sleepy, friendly, aggressive, and unhappy we feel after awakening, feelings of happiness or unhappy we feel after awakening, feelings of happiness or unhappiness depend most strongly on our dreams.⑵

  2.While sleep affects how sleepy, friendly, aggressive, and unhappy we feel after awakening, feelings of happiness or unhappiness depend most strongly on our dreams. (para.3)

  While 意为“尽管,虽然”

  how sleepy, friendly, aggressive , and unhappy we feel after awakening 为宾语从句,

  depend … on 依赖,依靠


  Each of us has a special dream character, a type of person whose appearance in our dreams makes us feel happier when we awake.

  What we dream at night isn‘t as important to how we feel in the morning as the number of people who appear in our dreams.⑶ The more people, the better we feel.
