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2007年06月25日    来源:   字体:   打印


  III.英汉互译时逻辑思维顺序上的差异:如上所述,如果一个句子里既有叙事的部分,又有表态的部分,在汉语里往往是叙事在前,表态在后,叙事部分可以很长,表态部分一般都很短。而在英语里则往往相反,表态在前,叙事在后。例如:1.表原因:a ……I am very happy and grateful to receive your message of greetings.接到你们的贺函,我十分愉快和感谢。


  My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn‘t want to be considered for an administrative position. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power. 所有美国人受的教育就是:长大成人后应该追求金钱和权力,而我却偏偏不要明明是朝这个目标 “迈进” 的工作,他对此大或不解。

  2.表目的The two sides agreed that it is desirable to broaden the understanding between the two peoples.双方同意,扩大两国人民之间的了解是可取的。

  3.表条件和结果时的顺序:a.One can never succeed without making great 1(结果) 2(条件)


  2 (条件) 1(结果)

  4.在表示让步的句子里,通常也是原因在前,结果在后:Young as he is, he works hard.(尽管他很年轻,可他工作很买力。)



  Large numbers of talented persons have come to the fore in today‘s education circle.

  d. Little is known about the effect of life-long drinking.人们关于终生饮酒的效果却知道的很少

  III.因语法手段而造成的英汉次序不一1.另外一些表示存在句的句子里也可见到大量的英汉次序不一的现象:There was rising in him a dreadful uneasiness ; something very precious that he wanted to hold seemed close to destruction.(他心里涌起一种难言的焦灼,因为他原来一直想保住的东西现在好象要毁灭了。)

  另外,英语里的有些形式主语也大都采用了倒装词序:2.无主句:It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour , but barely chugging along at thirty.(后来,我才突然明白,这次快车并非以90英里的时速疾弛而下,而只不过是以30英里的时速慢慢向前行驶。)

  It is reported that …………

  3.在某些表示“融合性”的定语从句中:a.There are many people who want to see the film.(许多人要看这部电影)

  b.There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. (楼下有人要见你)

  4.倒装句形a.Not a single word have we written down as yet.(否定)


  b.Little does he realize the danger he is in(否定)


  IV. 因句子结构转换而造成的词序不一:Cold drinks will be available at the Sports Center.运动中心也提供冷饮。(状语转译成主语)



  有人竟然翻译成:1.误:Since China ‘s policy of reform and opening, China has taken place a great many changes.

  正:A great many changes have taken place in China since the policy of reform and opening to the outside world.
