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2007年05月11日    来源:   字体:   打印

  二、 高级英语试题类型

  试题分为两个大部分:A 考核课程内容

  B 水平考试,重点为阅读理解能力。

  ( 注:下列题型作为参考,每次试卷中只选用其中几种。考核课程内容的五类;水平考试的四类。)

  A. 高级英语考核教材内容

  1. 完形练习



  The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point each)

  ● Rumors 1 quickly that I was a FBI agent. I was 2 because I was not 3___ to return. Some people said I was either a federal agent or a 4 , for no 5 man, they said, returns to Watts by 6 .

  ● Television 7 on advertising to an even greater 8 than newspapers, and since advertising is big business, advertising is by 9 Republican. Yet nowhere in network newscasts or network commentaries on current events have I 10 the intense partisanship, the often rabid 11 that colors the editorial 12 of the majority of newspapers in this country.

  ● The chances had 13 to one in eight when the 14 clerk drew the second slip. He 15 his throat and 16 his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not 17 . “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a 18 undecided smile, “May I join you?”

  ● Some people believe that the time of death is 19 by God and that no man should ___20 the clock back on another. 21 if a patient‘s philosophical views embrace __ 22 , it is not clear why the religious 23 of others should intrude 24___ his death.

  A. reasonable B. put C. bias D. choice

  E. nature F. yet G. mistaken H. lives

  I. thin J. encountered K. euthanasia L. fool

  M. spread N. objections O. pages P. extent

  Q. elderly R. suspect S. cleared T. narrowed

  U. put on V. on W. supposed X. appointed




  1. 通读该段文章。首先了解材料内容,做到心中有底。

  2. 找相关信息。通读之后,从第一个空格开始依次完成。

  3. 根据语感,快速试填充一遍。

  4. 然后逐题推敲。

  5. 根据上下文确定词义。使所选词的词义符合上下文逻辑意思的需要;尤其关注实词。

  6. 根据句子结构确定词形。使所选词的形式符合所在句语法结构上的要求;重点关注虚词。

  7. 着眼整体、注意关键词。如:but, however, even so… 说明后面的意思与前面的相反或对照,所选的词可能与前面某个词互为反义词。

  8. 抓住关键句型,作直观判断。比如常考的句型有:定语从句中缺少引导词;比较从句中漏了than;其它从句中的表示语法结构关系词例如so…that;hardly…when 等是否遗漏。

  9. 注意常用词语搭配,关注词语间的互为提示。

  10. 然后通篇审核。


  1、 把所给的词或短语按照词性分类:动词、名词、介词、副词、形容词等;

  2、 对所给段落中的句子进行分析,确定所空缺的地方需要什么词性的词;

  3、 然后再根据上下文意义、结构,确定答案。


  ● The chances had 13 to one in eight when the 14 clerk drew the second slip. He 15 his throat and 16 his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not 17 . “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a 18 undecided smile, “May I join you?”

  通过分析得知:13、15、16处应该填动词;14,17,18处则须用形容词。这样一来,每一个填空处需要排除的选项就少多了。然后根据一些固定搭配可以进一步区分选项。如: 13处是一个固定搭配 ‘clear one’s throat‘; 在14处,假如考生认识这个词 ’pince-nez‘ [ ’p:nsnei ]是 ‘夹鼻眼镜’,就能很快想到动词短语 ‘put on’ (戴上)。17处前面有一个短语 ‘make sure’(确信),人们通常是确信事情一切正常,没有错误, 所以该处选择 ‘mistaken’ 也就合情合理。

  当然这一切分析是要建立在很好的英语基础之上,更何况这样的词 ‘pince-nez’对于不熟悉课文的人来说是很难认识,所以纯粹依赖技巧、分析并非很可靠,况且很费时。另外,一个很好的基础从何而来?还得要心里装的东西多,而熟记一些文章是很好充实自己的办法。






  1. M 2. R 3. W 4. L

  5. A 6. D 7. H 8. P

  9. E 10. J 11. C 12. O

  13. T 14. Q 15. S 16. U

  17. G 18. I 19. X 20. B

  21. F 22. K 23. N 24. V

  2. 用英语回答有关课程内容的问题


  1. How does the author, J.B. Priestley, think of the matter of sleep? When he is sleepless, what will he do? [选自《高级英语》上册第十一课]

  Answer: The author thinks that sleep is just like a coy mistress who is much given to a teasing inconsistency and forever demanding to be wooed. In other words, to him, sleep always plays with him, and torments him but seldom lets him have it.

  He often lies in bed, passing hours in sleeplessness. The more he wants to fall asleep, the more sleepless he becomes. However, as soon as he intends to write an essay, he feels an overpowering desire for sleep.

  The author believes that artificial ways of inducing sleep are countless, but none of them works for him. Therefore, when he can‘t fall asleep at night, he has a dialogue with an imaginary friend until he either laughs or falls asleep.

  2. How did American young people look at the adult world in general according to the text “Four Choices for Young People”? What did they do about it?

  Answer: American young people viewed the adult world with great skepticism and even worse, with increasing rejection, according to the lesson “Four Choices for Young People.

  They saw this affluent society of America filled with poverty, injustice and hypocrisy. They became rebellious. They rejected the beliefs and values of society. While some young people fought against poverty, racial injustice at that time, others showed their discontent through passive ways. They were addicted to drugs and refused to take any social responsibilities.

  解析:作该题型的题目时,要记住首先要有一个基本的观点“ARGUMENT”(当然,这个观点是从所学课文中,合理地、符合逻辑地得出来的,并非自己臆断或杜撰出来的。 所以这一切也是建立在对课文熟练掌握基础上的。),然后,提供一些左证“SUPPORTING IDEAS”。


  另外,要写完整的句子。少用“yes or no” 这样的方式来回答问题;更后,通读自己的答案,检查文法,尽可能消除拼读、语法错误。

  3. 填空


  Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box below, changing its form when necessary:

  motivate in the long run regardless of be held to blamesquander to a great extent with honors take advantage ofsurvive be credited with fall victim to have trouble doing sth.

  1. The chairman of the board of directors was forced to resign, _____ the power struggle among the directors.

  2. Intelligent and hard-working, he passed _________ in degree examinations.

  3. Some girls are so shy as to ________ mixing socially with people.

  4. No one ________ for the loss of the game; each had done her best.

  5. He enjoyed great popularity among the students, _________speaking five foreign languages.

  6. The president decided to run for the second term, _________ the state of his health.

  7. The small restaurant owner _________ all his hard-earned money in gambling within a year.

  8. To increase productivity, we have to get the workers ______, but do you think material incentives will always work?


  1. falling victim to 2. with honors 3. have trouble 4. was held to blame

  5. credited with 6. regardless of 7. squandered 8. motivated


  1. 首先研读一下供选择的词做到心中有底,把词大致分分类。

  2. 然后仔细研读每一个句子,了解句子内容,做到心中有底。

  3. 根据语感,快速试填充一遍。

  4. 接下来逐句推敲。

  5. 根据上下文确定词义。使所选词的词义符合上下文逻辑意思的需要;尤其关注实词。

  6. 根据句子结构确定词形。使所选词的形式符合所在句语法结构上的要求;重点关注虚词。

  7. 着眼整体、注意关键词。如:but, however, even so… 说明后面的意思与前面的相反或对照,所选的词可能与前面某个词互为反义词。

  8. 抓住关键句型,作直观判断。比如常考的句型有:定语从句中缺少引导词;比较从句中漏了than;其它从句中的表示语法结构关系词例如so…that;hardly…when 等是否遗漏。

  9. 注意常用词语搭配,关注词语间的互为提示。

  10. 然后通篇审核。


  例句1中选择对了“fall victim to ”,还要知道该句子中不缺谓语动词,必须将“ fall victim to”变成非谓语形式,即用分词短语“falling victim to ”。

  例句4中,在选择对了“be held to blame ” 之后,还要注意时态及主谓一致原则,所以应将“be held to blame ”变成“be held to blame ”。


  1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B

  7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. A

  13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A



  13题区分A. conceive, B. imagine:都有“想象”的意思。imagine 表达“想象, 设想, 幻想”时,是及物动词, conceive 表达“想象;构想;设想”(常与by连用)。故此题选择A.

  14题区分A. adulation, B. admiration:两词都有“对别人表达好意”之义,但前者表示“谄媚, 奉承”之意,有贬义;后者则有“赞美;钦佩;赞赏”之意,故答案为B.

  15题区分A. sight, B. glance:都有“看”的意思。glance更有“匆匆一看”的意思,结合该句填空处前面一词 “hasty (匆忙的)”,我们可以断定应选择B.

  16题区分A. lived, B. inhabited:都有“住”的意思。live作及物动词有“过着, 度过, 经历”之意,作不及物动词才有“活着, 生活, 居住”之意, inhabit有“居住; 栖息; 占据”,常作及物动词,且常用于被动语态。根据题意,应选择B.

  17题区分A. attraction, B. appeal:都有“吸引,招人喜欢”的意思。attraction是“吸引; 吸引力”的意思; , appeal除了有“吸引力”之意,还有“请求, 呼吁, 要求”的意思。这句话中明显要求是后一个意思,故答案应选B.

  18题区分A. contemptible, B. contemptuous:都有“瞧不起的”之意。contemptible是“可鄙的, 下贱的, 不齿的, 可轻视的”之意;contemptuous为“轻蔑的, 目空一切的, 傲慢的”。前这表达被别人瞧不起,后者是瞧不起别人。故选择A.
