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2007年06月29日    来源:   字体:   打印

  第十二节   复合宾语




  Poverty forces many people to sleep in the streets and die of sickness and hunger.    贫困使许多人睡在大街上并死于疾病和饥饿。

  I should prefer you not to change your sales plan.   我宁愿你不改变销售计划。

  The director considers it to be of strategic importance.    董事认为那有战略重要性。

  The manager encouraged his subordinates to air their opinion.   经理鼓励下级发表意见。

  在有些动词(如let, make, see, hear, watch, find, feel等)动词的复合结构中,不定式的协需省去,如:

  We found people lose interest in saving money.    我们发现人们对存款失去了兴趣。

  He made his son write out the exercise again.   他让他的儿子把练习再做一遍。

  May I help you send the letter?   要不要我帮你寄信?

  We should be pleased to let you have our samples.   兹奉上我方产品样品。

  I'll let you know as soon as I hear from that company.    一得到该公司消息我就会让你知道。

  2. 名词+分词

  I must set the whole thing going.   我要使此事有所进展。

  We saw people celebrating the 10 years' anniversary of the founding of the department store.  我们看到人们正在庆祝百货公司成立十周年。

  He is determined to make his voice heard.    他下决心使自己的声音被人听到。

  The chairperson declared the meeting adjourned.   主席宣布会议延期。

  The director admitted himself debated.   董事承认了自己的失败。

  I must get the watch repaired.   我要修表。


  Banks could make your money safe and available when you need it.  银行可妥善保管你的钱,你需要钱时可随时提取。

  Their service helped the company make its advertizing more productive and profitable.  他们的服务有助于该公司所作广告更加有效和有利可图。

  You must keep the storehouse clean and tidy.   你应该保持仓库整洁。


  They made him president of the committee.  他们委任他为委员会主席。

  You ought to keep it a secret.   你应对此事保密。

  They nominated him a member of the council.   他们指定他为理事会理事。

  We consider it something we must do at once.   我们认为那是我们立刻要办的事。

  The incorporators named the corporation CAP.   公司创办人给公司起名为CAP.
