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2007年06月29日    来源:   字体:   打印

  第六节  情态动词


  can, could

  may, might


  ought to

  shall, should

  will, would

  dare, dared


  1. can, could

  (1) 能,能够、会、可以

  Energy can be changed from one form into another. 能可以从一种形式变成另一种形式。

  We can buy a car by instalments.    我们可以以分期付款买轿车。


  You can ( = may) go home now.   你现在可以回家了。


  If he comes, he can help us.    如果他来,他能帮助我们。

  I could come earlier, if necessary.    如果有必要,我可早些来。


  He couldn't (can't) be her father; he is too young.

  (5) could + have + p. p.    婉转地责备、遗憾

  He could have passed the exam. 他当时本该备考。

  (6)be able to是can的同义结构,常用以表示cm所不能表示的未来或完成的概念。如:

  ①Thus, we shall be able to determine the amount of alcohol burned.  这样,我们就可以确定燃烧掉的酒精量。

  They have not been able to come.    他们没有能来。

  2. may 和 might


  Excuse me, may I have a glass of water?    对不起,我可以喝水吗?


  These ideas may seem strange to you.    这些想法或许令你感到惊怪。

  He might get lost.    他可能迷路了。

  (3) may (might) + have + pp表对过去的推测

  She may (might) have missed the bus.    她也许没赶上车。


  May all your dreams come true.    愿你们的梦想成真。

  May it be so.  但愿如此。

  (5) be allowed to是may的同义结构,可表达现在、过去和将来时态。如:

  You will be allowed to use this computer.    你可以用这台计算机。

  3. must


  The auditor must conduct sufficient verification.  审计师必须进行充分的验证。

  (2) must not意为“不应该”,“不许”;need not是must的否定回答

  We must not be afraid of difficulties.  我们不应该害怕困难。

  Must I return the book.?     —Yes, you must.    我必须还这本书吗?是的。

  —No, you needn't.   不,不必。

  (3) must + have + pp    表对过去的推测

  I can't find my umbrella. Someone must have taken it.  我找不到我的伞,一定是被谁拿走了。

  (4) must + be + -ing  一定在

  They must be talking about us now.    他们准在谈论我们。

  (5)have to是must的同义结构,可表达现在,过去和将来时态。

  We will have to change our plan.    我们得改变计划。

  4. ought to


  We ought to make the most of our time.    我们应该尽量用好时间。

  (2) ought to + have + pp   表过去没完成的事

  She ought to have come to see me two days ago, but she forgot.  她本来应该在两天前来看我,可是她忘了。


  This arrangement ought to please them.    这个安排应该会令他们高兴。

  5. shall


  Everything shall be done to save the ship.  一定要竭尽全力来拯救这艘船。

  You shall follow the doctors advice.    你得听医生的。

  If you work hard, you shall hate a day off.    如果你努力工作,你就可以放一天假。


  ——Shall I close the door?    我关上门好吗?

  ——Yes, please. (No, please don't. )


  The present treaty shall come into force immediately after its ratification.    本条约在批准后将立即生效。

  Gambling in any form shall be banned.   各种赌博必须予以禁止。

  6. should


  A formal written appraisal should be prepared annually.   每年应该准备一份正式的评价报告。


  They should be home by now.    现在他们应该到家了。

  (3) should + have + pp   表过去应做但没做的事。含有责备的意思。

  This conclusion should have been double-checked.    该结论本应该反复核对。


  I am very sorry that he should be so careless.    真遗憾,他竟然这么粗心。


  He run away lest he should be seen.    他跑开了,以免被看见。

  7. will


  Will you lend me your dictionary?    请你把词典借我好吗?


  I won't let you down.  我不会令你失望。


  That will be the postman at the door.    在门口的一定是邮递员。


  Fish will die out of water.    鱼离开水会死。

  Water will boil at 100 degrees centigrade.    水在摄氏100度开。

  8. would


  Would you take a seat?    请坐!


  He would sit there for hours, doing nothing.  他常一连几个小时坐在那里,什么也不做。


  He told us that the box would not open.   他告诉我们盒子打不开。


  That would be in 1966, I think.  我想那大概发生在1966年。

  9. dare 和 dared


  How dare you speak to me like that?    你怎敢那样对我说话?

  No one dared speak of it.    当时没人敢谈论此事。


  He dares to think, to speak, and to act.  他敢想,敢说,敢干。

  10. need


  Need I show you my passport?   ——Yes, you must.  我需要出示护照吗?是的。

  ——No, you needn't.  不,不必啦。

  We didn't need to call the doctor.   我们不必请大夫。

  (2) needn't + have + pp  本不必做

  She needn't have watered the flowers.  她本不必浇花。
