/*? Examinee(UID, Uname, Gender)
要求:考生号为主码, 所有字段都不能为空。
? Question(QID, Qdesc)
? Record (UID, QID ,Score)
要求:考生号为参照考生表的主码的外码, 题目号为参照题目表的主码的外码,所有字段不为空,得分为介于0—100之间的整数。
drop table c111Examinee
drop table c111Question
drop table c111Record
create table c111Examinee
(UID int not null,
Uname char(10)not null,
Gender char(1)not null,
primary key(UID))
create table c111Question
(QID int not null,
Qdesc char(30)not null,
primary key(QID))
create table c111Record
(UID int not null,
QID int not null,
Score int,
primary key(UID,QID),
foreign key(UID)references c111Examinee(UID),
foreign key(QID)references c111Question(QID),
check (Score between 0and 100))
select *from c111Examinee
select *from c111Question
select *from c111Record
insert into c111Examinee values(101,'张刚','F')
insert into c111Examinee values(102,'王玲','M')
insert into c111Examinee values(103,'萧娟','M')
insert into c111Examinee values(104,'李凯','F')
insert into c111Question values(201,'Who am I ?')
insert into c111Question values(202,'Where is PKU ?')
insert into c111Question values(203,'What is Database ?')
insert into c111Question values(204,'Are you OK ?')
insert into c111Question values(205,'What is Data Stream ?')
insert into c111Record values(101,201,44)
insert into c111Record values(101,202,59)
insert into c111Record values(102,204,88)
insert into c111Record values(102,202,66)
insert into c111Record values(103,205,69)
insert into c111Record values(104,203,94)
(1) 列出萧娟同学做的所有题目的描述及其得分。*/
select Qdesc as 题目描述,Score as 得分
from c111Examinee as a,c111Question as b,c111Record as c
where a.UID=c.UID and b.QID= c.QID and Uname='萧娟'
/*(2) 列出每名考生已经做的题目总数及总得分。*/
select UID as 考生号,count(QID) as 题目总数,sum(Score) as 总得分
from c111Record
group by UID
/*(3) 列出做了题目描述为‘ Who am I ?’的考生的姓名,以及该考生所做的所有题目的描述和得分。*/
select c.UID as 考生号,b.Qdesc as 题目描述,Score as 得分
from c111Examinee as a,c111Question as b,c111Record as c
where a.UID=c.UID and b.QID= c.QID and c.UID in (select UID
from c111Question ,c111Record
where c111Question.QID=c111Record.QID
and Qdesc='Who am I ?')
update c111Record
set Score=Score+5
where UID in(select UID
from c111Record
group by UID
having avg(Score)<60)
and Score<60
declare c1 cursor for
select b.QID
from c111Question as a,c111Record as b
where b.QID= a.QID
group by b.QID
having avg(Score)<60
open c1
declare @x int
fetch next from c1 into @x
if @@fetch_status=0
update c111Record
set Score=((SQRT(Score))*10)
where QID=@x
fetch next from c1 into @x
close c1
deallocate c1
/*6.列出做了平均得分更低的题目的考生,需要提供以下信息, 考生姓名、该考生在该题目的得分。(20分)*/
select Uname as 考生姓名,c.QID as 题目号,Qdesc as 题目描述,Score as 得分
from c111Examinee as a,c111Question as b,c111Record as c
where a.UID=c.UID and b.QID= c.QID and c.UID in (select c111Record.UID
from c111Examinee ,c111Question,c111Record
where c111Examinee.UID=c111Record.UID and c111Question .QID=c111Record .QID
group by c111Record.UID
having avg(Score)<=all(select avg(Score)
from c111Record
group by UID))